產自印度,精湛的手工技藝使人第一眼即能識得它的與眾不同,獨特的色調讓人聯想到飽經風霜的柚木。通過鑲嵌細工形成的星暴圖案從桌子中心放射而出,這是Studio A Home 浮木系列一貫的主題。雖然飽含了工匠費心勞力的卓絕手藝,卻巧妙地傳遞出輕鬆與休閒的氣質。桌子也可以作為休閒邊几使用。
Reminiscent of the tones of time-weathered teak, the Grey Driftwood Collection is distinctive for its artful handcrafting. Although a tour de force of carpentry, the effect is effortless and casual. Our Loft Table easily folds flat and can function as an occasional or side table. A starburst marquetry pattern, which is a consistent theme of the Driftwood Collection, emanates from the center point of the table.