從靠壁桌、雞尾酒桌、茶几再到鏡子,Studio A Home 的樹枝系列已經開發出多款精彩單品。樹枝系列的起源始於Studio A Home 一位極富靈感的手工匠人,他從森林中拾回有趣的樹枝,以這些真實天然的樹枝為原型打造出樣品,再將它們作為裝飾細節點綴到不同的產品中。人類永遠無法想像出大自然究竟有多神奇,正如這些樹枝的自然形態與精緻微妙的細節動態,我們遠不可能憑空完成。只有自然,才能生成最美的藝術。
※ 銀色樹枝裝飾鏡-小,以單件方式銷售,也可同時選購四面鏡子組合搭配(如產品圖片所示)。
The Twig Collection originated with one of Studio A Home′s inspired artisans. He went into the woods and selected interesting branches, made prototypes using the real branches, then cast the table bases and mirror frames from the prototypes. It would be impossible to capture the organic shapes, subtle movement and intricate detail of the branches using any other method. Nature does it best! The console, cocktail, end tables and beveled mirrors are available in either Silver Leaf or Gold Leaf finishes.