越南進口,靈感來源於GLOBAL VIEWS的熱銷產品鋸齒形靠壁桌,橫豎相交的斑馬木紋看起來就像是西洋棋盤,鋸齒形的底座宛如一個手風琴,兩者結合形成了這款別致的餐桌。更為特別的是,餐桌本身為兩層,可以將兩邊拉開,延伸之後能夠容納12人同時就餐。
Zebra wood grain is checkerboarded horizontally and vertically on this unique dining table with a zig zag accordian base. inspired by our best selling Zig Zag console, this dining table has 2 leaves that extend the table to seat 12. Unique glides pull out from each end to reveal a place for each leaf.