Global Views設計出瑪麗琳和克里斯莫斯經典系列。亞克力部分由意大利匠人手工打造,搭配豐滿的著色植絨馬海毛;長凳凹凸軟墊紋理最大程度上展現了馬海毛的色澤與質感,自帶老派貴族的高尚氣質;椅身考究的弧形靠背猶如張開且即將收攏的懷抱,顯現出超乎尋常的別緻。經典的法式設計與義大利的含蓄從容,在瑪麗琳和克里斯莫斯系列中巧妙融合於一體。
This Italian molded clear acrylic bench was inspired by our best selling Marilyn chairs. This version features a rich juxtaposition of a tufted mohair cushion with traditional silhouette in clear acrylic. Available in 6 saturated colors or in a smaller size with 4 legs. Dye lots may vary slightly.Mohair yarn comes from the hair of the Angora goat. The goats are shorn twice a year and the animals are not harmed by this process. The hair is long, luxurious and strong. The fiber takes color easily and once dyed has a translucent effect that makes the Mohair velvet truly elegant. Mohair velvet is also know for its durability and crush resistance and is prized for its strength, ease of care, color and luster. It has been used on cruise ships, in hotels, autos and residential.