科學與自然即是我們日常的靈感來源。GLOBAL VIEWS 的設計師在旅途中受到一幅科學繪圖的啟發,使鐵制雕塑不僅有棱有角,還兼具分子結構,猶如科學界的繆斯女神。印度工匠打造而成,絕妙的金屬表層經過了多道工序:首先以銅鍍鐵,再以鎳鍍銅,最後輔以特殊染色工藝,使其光澤盡顯。
Science and nature inspire us daily! And we have looked to the scientific muses once again here with our Geo Sculptures. Taken from a drawing found in a scientific journal, the iron sculptures give a very angled and molecular feel. The fantastic gold finish is made possible by a multi-step process that almost feels like an experiment in itself! The cool nickel finish shines with ever-evolving possibilities. The iron is first copper plated, then the copper is nickel plated, then finally flash dyeing the metals to a shiny brass finish. Available in three sizes: small, medium, and large.