這是義大利穆拉諾島上的工匠專門為 Studio A Home 打造的藝術單品。熔融玻璃在高度運作的離心機上旋轉,生成非同一般的色彩,接著倒入模具成形,再由匠人手工壓製出碗沿的花邊。工匠在壓制花邊時沒有固定的模式要求,加之離心機形成的色彩即時發生微妙變化,因而,你永遠不會找到完全一樣的兩個。而這,正是手工製作的藝術魅力。
Italian artisans in Murano create each bowl for Studio A Home as an individual piece of art. Molten glass is first spun in a centrifuge where the character of its color is born. Then it is placed in a mold to form the base of the bowl. An artisan forms the top edge by hand. From the randomly shaped rim of each 17.5-inch diameter bowl to the play of thin colored glass ribbons swirled around it, no two are alike. Expect variations in color and shape in each individual piece because of the handmade, artistic methods used in producing this collection.