不同於傳統長凳以四角為支撐點,Studio A Home 的拉福格系列錐形桌腳上部彎曲延伸交錯,為軟墊中心提供支撐力。此外,長凳軟墊可自行卸下,方便打理,還可根據個人喜好定制出不同風格。
Instead of lending support at the four corners of the bench, Laforge′s tapered legs have been repositioned to the middle of the bench′s cushion sides. How beautiful! Laforge Bench ships with a muslin cushion which is easily removable for the customer to cover with the fabric of their choice.
尺寸:132cm L x 43cm W x 48cm H
重量:14.51 kg
墊子:127cm L x 38.1cm W x 8.89cm H
椅腳高度:43.18cm H
從地板到底座底部的高度:40.64cm H
重量限制:240 磅
尺寸:50.8cm L x 43.18cm W x 48.26cm H
重量:8.57 kg
墊子:45.72cm L x 39.37cm W x 8.59cm H
椅腳高度:43.18cm H
從地板到底座底部的高度:40.64cm H
重量限制:250 磅