GLOBAL VIEWS 熱銷玻璃檯燈的迷你版,由技藝精湛的波蘭手吹玻璃工匠全程手工完成,精巧的藝術玻璃在手工因素的自然影響下,會發生美妙的細微色彩差別,讓每一款都與眾不同。
This miniature version of the popular table lamp, the Mini Amber Captured Lamp is hand blown art glass designed exclusively by Polish master glass blowers. Colors may vary slightly due to the artisanal nature of the glass blowing process. French wired in USA.
海藍色豎直玻璃檯燈 7.60130-B
總體尺寸:31cm Dia. x 66cm H
燈罩尺寸:31cm Dia. x 23cm H
光源規格:A型燈泡100W x1個
※ 燈泡需另購。